Käyttöohje SONY KDL32EX402AEP

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Mode d'emploi SONY KDL32EX402AEP
Käsikirjan tiivistelmä käyttöohjeet SONY KDL32EX402AEP

Yksityiskohtaiset käyttöohjeet ovat käyttäjänoppaassa

[. . . ] Intel Desktop Board DP55SB Technical Product Specification September 2009 Order Number: E70714-001US The Intel Desktop Board DP55SB may contain design defects or errors known as errata that may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are documented in the Intel Desktop Board DP55SB Specification Update. Revision History Revision -001 Revision History First release of the Intel Desktop Board DP55SB Technical Product Specification Date September 2009 This product specification applies to only the standard Intel Desktop Board DP55SB with BIOS identifier KGIBX10J. 86A. Changes to this specification will be published in the Intel Desktop Board DP55SB Specification Update before being incorporated into a revision of this document. INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED IN CONNECTION WITH INTEL PRODUCTS. NO LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE, TO ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IS GRANTED BY THIS DOCUMENT. [. . . ] Typically the address space that is allocated for PCI Conventional bus add-in cards, PCI Express configuration space, BIOS (SPI Flash device), and chipset overhead resides above the top of DRAM (total system memory). On a system that has 16 GB of system memory installed, it is not possible to use all of the installed memory due to system address space being allocated for other system critical functions. These functions include the following: ?BIOS/SPI Flash device (16 Mbit) Local APIC (19 MB) Direct Media Interface (40 MB) Front side bus interrupts (17 MB) PCI Express configuration space (256 MB) PCH base address registers PCI Express ports (up to 256 MB) Memory-mapped I/O that is dynamically allocated for PCI Conventional and PCI Express add-in cards (256 MB) The board provides the capability to reclaim the physical memory overlapped by the memory mapped I/O logical address space. The board remaps physical memory from the top of usable DRAM boundary to the 4 GB boundary to an equivalent sized logical address range located just above the 4 GB boundary. Figure 9 shows a schematic of the system memory map. All installed system memory can be used when there is no overlap of system addresses. 39 Intel Desktop Board DP55SB Technical Product Specification Figure 9. Detailed System Memory Address Map 40 Technical Reference 2. 1. 2 Memory Map Table 8 lists the system memory map. System Memory Map Address Range (decimal) 1024 K - 16777216 K 960 K - 1024 K 896 K - 960 K 800 K - 896 K Address Range (hex) 100000 - 3FFFFFFFF F0000 - FFFFF E0000 - EFFFF C8000 - DFFFF Size 16382 MB 64 KB 64 KB 96 KB Description Extended memory Runtime BIOS Reserved Potential available high DOS memory (open to the PCI Conventional bus). Video memory and BIOS Extended BIOS data (movable by memory manager software) Extended conventional memory Conventional memory 640 K - 800 K 639 K - 640 K 512 K - 639 K 0 K - 512 K A0000 - C7FFF 9FC00 - 9FFFF 80000 - 9FBFF 00000 - 7FFFF 160 KB 1 KB 127 KB 512 KB 2. 2 Connectors and Headers CAUTION Only the following connectors and headers have overcurrent protection: back panel and front panel USB, as well as IEEE 1394a. The other internal connectors and headers are not overcurrent protected and should connect only to devices inside the computer?s chassis, such as fans and internal peripherals. Do not use these connectors or headers to power devices external to the computer?s chassis. A fault in the load presented by the external devices could cause damage to the computer, the power cable, and the external devices themselves. Furthermore, improper connection of USB or 1394 header single wire connectors may eventually overload the overcurrent protection and cause damage to the board. This section describes the board?s connectors. The connectors can be divided into these groups: ?Back panel I/O connectors Component-side I/O connectors and headers (see page 43) 41 Intel Desktop Board DP55SB Technical Product Specification 2. 2. 1 Back Panel Connectors Figure 10 shows the location of the back panel connectors for the board. Item A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O Description eSATA port Back-to-BIOS button S/PDIF in (optical) S/PDIF out (optical) USB ports IEEE 1394a connector USB ports LAN USB ports Surround left/right channel audio out Side Surround Center channel and LFE (subwoofer) audio out Audio line in/(Side Surround) audio out Front left/right channel audio out/Two channel audio line out Mic in Figure 10. Back Panel Connectors NOTE The back panel audio line out connector is designed to power headphones or amplified speakers only. Poor audio quality occurs if passive (non-amplified) speakers are connected to this output. 42 Technical Reference 2. 2. 2 Component-side Connectors and Headers Figure 11 shows the locations of the component-side connectors and headers. Figure 11. Component-side Connectors and Headers Table 9 lists the component-side connectors and headers identified in Figure 11. 43 Intel Desktop Board DP55SB Technical Product Specification Table 9. Component-side Connectors and Headers Shown in Figure 11 Item/callout from Figure 11 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V Description PCI Express 2. 0 x8 connector Front panel audio header S/PDIF header PCI Express 2. 0 x1 connector Rear chassis fan header PCI Express x1 connector PCI Express 2. 0 x16 connector Vertical USB connector Processor core power connector (2 x 4) Processor fan header Main power connector (2 x 12) Front panel header Back panel CIR emitter (output) header Front panel CIR receiver (input) header Alternate front panel power LED header Front chassis fan header USB 2. 0 header USB 2. 0 header IEEE 1394a front panel header SATA connectors Chassis intrusion header Auxiliary PCI Express graphics power connector (SATA-style) 44 Technical Reference 2. 2. 2. 1 Signal Tables for the Connectors and Headers Table 10. IEEE 1394a Header Pin 1 3 5 7 9 Signal Name Data A (positive) Ground Data B (positive) +12 V DC Key (no pin) Pin 2 4 6 8 10 Signal Name Data A (negative) Ground Data B (negative) +12 V DC Ground Table 11. [. . . ] Para deshacerse de las pilas usadas, siga igualmente las instrucciones del fabricante. WAARSCHUWING Er bestaat ontploffingsgevaar als de batterij wordt vervangen door een onjuist type batterij. Batterijen moeten zoveel mogelijk worden gerecycled. Houd u bij het weggooien van gebruikte batterijen aan de plaatselijke milieuwetgeving. ATENO Haver risco de exploso se a bateria for substituda por um tipo de bateria incorreto. As baterias devem ser recicladas nos locais apropriados. [. . . ]

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