Lastmanuals tarjoaa sosiaalisen palvelun oppaiden jakamiseen, tallentamiseen ja etsimiseen, laitteiden ja ohjelmistojen käyttämiseen: Käyttäjänoppaat, ohjekirja, pikaohjeet ja tekniset tiedot. ÄLÄ UNOHDA: LUE AINA KÄYTTÄJÄNOPAS ENNEN OSTAMISTA !!!
Jos tämä dokumentti täsmää käyttäjänoppaan tai ohjekirjan ominaisuuksiin jota olet etsimässä, lataa se nyt. Lastmanuals tarjoaa sinulle helpon ja nopean tavan saada käyttöohjeet tuotteeseen SIEMENS GIGASET AS300 Toivomme, että hyödyit SIEMENS GIGASET AS300 käyttäjänoppaasta
Yksityiskohtaiset käyttöohjeet ovat käyttäjänoppaassa
[. . . ] 1
Gigaset AS200/AS300
The handset at a glance
1 Charge status of the batteries 2 Display keys 3 Message key Flashes: new messages received 4 AS200: h Directory key AS300: d Handsfree key 5 Control key (u) 6 Talk key 7 AS300: h Directory key (press down) 8 End call and On/Off key 9 Ringer on/off (press and hold in idle status) 10 Keypad lock on/off (press and hold) 11 Recall key - Consultation call (flash) - Dialling pause (press and hold) 12 Microphone 13 "Microphone off" key Display keys on handset: Pressing a key launches the function that appears above that key in the display.
Display icon
Function when pressed
11. 12. INT
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
11:56 MENU
" U T ~
Call other registered handsets page 9. Backspace deletes one character at a time from right to left. Confirm menu function or save entry.
9 10 11 12 13
The base station at a glance
AS200/AS300 base station
Registration/paging key: page 8) Search for handsets (press briefly, "Paging" page 9). [. . . ] The other handset and the base station can send and receive directory entries.
h ¢ u (select entry) ¢ MENU ¢ Send Entry / Send List ¢ OK ¢ ~ (enter the internal number of
the receiving handset)
¢ OK
Open the calls list f ¢ CallsList 01+02 ¢ OK
The last incoming call is displayed. If necessary, use u to select another entry. Using other functions
Last number redial list
This list contains the ten last dialled numbers.
Dialling from the last number redial list c (press briefly) ¢ u (select entry) ¢ c Managing entries in the last number redial list c (press briefly) ¢ u (select entry) ¢ MENU
You can select the following settings:
Use Number
u (select entry) ¢ MENU
Delete Entry Copy to Dir. Date/Time Status
The following functions can be selected with u: Delete current entry. Call date and time (if set).
New Call: new missed call. Answ. : call taken.
Edit or add to the number. Then dial or select other functions from the MENU. Delete Entry Delete List
Delete List
Warning!All old and new entries will be deleted.
Calls list/voicemail (network mailbox) list
An advisory tone sounds and the message key flashes as soon as a new entry appears in the calls list/voicemail list. When you press the f key, all the lists are displayed. If only one list contains new messages, this will be opened automatically. Please note: If calls are saved in the network mailbox, you will receive a message if the appropriate settings have been set (depending on your network provider).
Calling back a caller from the calls list f ¢ CallsList 01+02 ¢ OK ¢ u (select entry) ¢c
Assigning key 1 for fast access to the network mailbox
Simply press and hold key 1 on the handset and you will be connected directly to the network mailbox. See Menu tree
Locating a handset ("paging")
You can locate your handset using the base station. Briefly press the registration/paging key on the base station (¢ page 1). All handsets will ring simultaneously ("paging"), even if the ringer tones are deactivated. End paging: briefly press the registration/paging key on the base station (¢ page 1) or the talk key c on a handset.
Registering handsets
You can register up to four handsets on your base station (Gigaset AS200/AS300) recommended). Please note: Each additional handset must be registered on the base station in order for it to work properly!For automatic registration of handsets to page 5. Gigaset AS200H/AS300H
Internal consultation call/connecting a call
You are in conversation with an external participant. Press the INT key and call one or all handsets. The external participant hears the hold music. Before the internal participant has answered, press the end call key a; the call is diverted to the participant who answers the call. [. . . ] 01805 333 222 Der Anruf kostet Sie aus den deutschen Festnetzen 0, 14 pro Minute. Die Preise für Anrufe aus den deutschen Mobilfunknetzen können hiervon abweichen; ab dem 1. 3. 2010 betragen sie höchstens 0, 42 pro Minute. 199. 15. 11. 15 ( cent 8, 36 + IVA al minuto da telefono fisso Please have your record of purchase ready when calling. Replacement or repair services are not offered in countries where our product is not sold by authorised dealers. [. . . ]
Tuotteen SIEMENS GIGASET AS300 lataaminen katksesi
Lastmanuals tarjoaa sosiaalisen palvelun oppaiden jakamiseen, tallentamiseen ja etsimiseen, laitteiden ja ohjelmistojen käyttämiseen: Käyttäjänoppaat, ohjekirja, pikaohjeet ja tekniset tiedot. Lastmanualsia ei voida millään tavoin pitää vastuullisena jos dokumentti jota etsit ei ole saatavilla, se ei ole täydellinen tai se on eri kielellä tai jos sen mallit tai kieli ei täsmää kuvaukseen. Lastmanuals ei tarjoa esimerkiksi käännöspalvelua.
Klikkaa ” lataa käyttäjänopas” tämän sopimuksen lopusta jos hyväksyt sen ehdot, tuotteen SIEMENS GIGASET AS300 käyttäjänopas latautuu sen jälkeen.